CWI’s Community Engagement program nurtures relationships with birthing families, community, health partners and family service providers by participating in several community events, health fairs, symposiums, youth events, Indigenous cultural activities, as well as speaking engagements about Indigenous health perspective on maternal and reproductive health in Native American Indian communities.
In the last few years we have provided midwifery care to over 256 families, with 98% of those receiving free care. We have also trained over 86 Indigenous Doulas in partnership with Zaagiidiwin Indigenous Doula program. We are actively working to improve maternal and reproductive healthcare for Native American families through our direct services, community training to increase birth workers in New Mexico, and legislative policies that center Native American Maternal and Reproductive Health.
Our collective work holds true to our vision to honor our human right to equitable reproductive health. CWI not only seeks to provide decolonized healthcare while recognizing that our communities are experts, but honor and respect traditional knowledge keepers who work to carry on that knowledge through life way teachings. By supporting the next generation from the womb forward, we are transforming our nations, one family at a time.
Ahéhee’ to those have joined us in this work and are doing the work to improve access to care for Native American families.